Saturday, August 26, 2017


Today’s kids are more connected to applications, especially games, and they use every slight opportunity they get to endeavor to entertain themselves. They sometimes don’t know their way around the phone or they are not psychologically mature enough to roam the internet on their own just because today’s internet isn’t all sunshine and rainbow.  This juvenile adventure could result in installing or deleting applications, making online or in app transactions, draining battery level, and the list goes on and on. In this post, your will learn about the merits of using a group of applications called child lock App.


One of my neighbor’s kids always demands my phone whenever he sights me. He wants to play games, get some selfie and inevitably he ends up draining my battery, changing my phone settings and sometimes I just have to restart my phone, because, it just starts misbehaving. Surprisingly, the cycle goes over and over, because, to make him happy, I have had to release my phone to him and the result are always the same. I know most of us have similar experience, that is why today we are gonna discuss about an app that have a dual effect ­­you can still give that kid you phone but with limited access and also, your phone still retains it functionality!


Child lock applications prevent kids from installing or deleting applications, accessing in-app purchases, or access music of a certain rating. Though they come from different developers, child lock apps generally comes with smart restriction access such as profile settings, content whitelists, and even daily time limits coupled with various customized settings within individual apps in order to be very specific about what sort of content kids can access e.g. In-app’s Language, or In-app purchases.


Now, with this application, you can always keep the kids face smiling by giving him your mobile phone and also you end up making yourself happier by keeping your settings intact, giving a parental guide to games and applications that rated above the age limit of that kid. Either you use an android, or Apple operating system, there are variety of child lock applications that meets your immediate need. Check out stores online and click download. Also there is an access control setting now comes with smartphones on both operating system.


Hi guys! There’s nothing more annoying to me than waiting for a slow computer. Waiting for a slow, creaking, computer to churn through a simple task is one of life’s biggest annoyances. Moreso, when your daily bread depends on the efficiency of your computer, there’s nothing as annoying when it “hangs”. A tired, old PC really can make your blood boil. But sometimes even new PCs can clog up and run slowly. came up with 10 great quick fixes anyone can perform, these variety of tricks and optimizations you can perform to help increase the  speed of your computer


Stop unnecessary start ups

Whenever you switch on your PC some programs will automatically start to run in the background. Things like Skype and Spotify are guilty of this. All the applications running will use your computer’s memory so ditch the ones you don’t need running.


To do this click Start and type “Run”. In the box that appears type “msconfig” and a box will appear, at the top click the “Startup” tab listing all the applications that run when your computer starts up. Either manually untick the ones that are unnecessary or click “disable all”, but be sure to keep vital things like antivirus going.


Delete temporary files

Whenever you use internet Explorer all your browsing history remains in the depths of your PC. The same thing happens when you install something. It’s like never throwing away the packaging when you buy a new TV and by doing so it’ll free-up space on your system. To get rid of all this clutter open “My Computer”, select your main drive, click the “Windows” folder then open the folder inside that called “Temp”.

Run virus and malware scans.

Viruses and other malware are one of the primary causes of slow performance. Adware can bog down your computer and tie up your network connection, and viruses can make your CPU and hard disk use skyrocket. Removing any malicious programs should be your top priority, and you should always have a lightweight antivirus program installed, such as BitDefender or Avast.

Removing viruses can be a difficult process, and oftentimes it may be easier to simply backup and reinstall your operating system instead of trying to track it down and eliminate it.

Get more hard drive storage

No matter if you keep your computer tidy, if your hard drive becomes too full, it will affect the speed of your PC. If you use your system for processor-heavy tasks, such as recording video and media the likelihood will be that your drive will get chokka before you know it. Nowadays you can get mega storage drives over 1TB which is good for thousands of HD movies.

Uninstall unused programs

When you buy a new PC the chances are there are a load of programs pre-installed onto it. Old PCs can simply accumulate these over time. Most of these you’ll never use and some of them can often run in the background without you knowing, slowing your computer down in the process.

To remove these click “Start” then go to “Control Panel” then click “Programs and Features” and scroll through the list, uninstalling the ones you never use.

If you’re unsure what should stay or go, use PC Decrapifier – a free piece of software that recommends what is worthwhile or not.

Get more RAM

Have you noticed when you try to work on several applications at once, such as email, internet, and word your computer has a minor stroke when flicking between them? This is because you don’t have enough RAM. This is memory used by your PC to run the programs and can be easily upgraded (and quite cheaply) if you know where to look.

      7. Run a disk defragment

Don’t be scared by the description, it’s essentially a way to optimize your hard drive’s efficiency. To do this go to “My Computer”, right-click on the hard drive and select “Properties”. Under the “Tools” tab there should be an option to “Defragment Now”.


Run a disk clean-up

Spring clean your whole system using this built-in tool which looks for unnecessary large files.

To perform this click “Start” then go to All Programs > Accessories > System Tools > Disk CleanupVacuum out the dust

If you open up your PC and you won’t believe how much dust gets sucked into it through the cooling fan. Dust can clog airflow, which is vital to keeping your system temperature down and if it overheats, its performance will slow.

Use a vacuum on a low setting to clean out the insides, but ensure the PC has been off for at least 30-minutes and it’s disconnected from the mains. Also, go easy when you’re poking around in there as you could dislodge some important cables.

Reinstall or upgrade your operating system.

Sometimes, the best way to improve performance is to simply wipe the slate clean and start from scratch. Reinstalling Windows will clear your hard drive and improve performance. Upgrading to a newer version of Windows will often increase performance as well, though obtaining a newer version will set you back about $100.

If you can, try to format and reinstall your operating system at least once per year. This will ensure that your computer is always running at optimal speed.

Many people are put off by the thought of the time investment needed for reinstalling their operating system. If you have a good backup system already in place, you can have your computer formatted and your operating system reinstalled in about an hour. When it comes to reinstalling your old programs, you’ll probably find that you actually used less than you thought.

       11. Buy a new PC

Simple advice, but most effective if you’ve got a PC that should be cashing-in its pension. With the rise of tablet PCs and the low cost of components, prices of new laptops and desktop computers are so much more affordable than years ago. Save yourself a heap of trouble and think about it. We have a wide range of affordable laptops on our website. Shop Now!!!


The Undo Send feature is something that Google talked about implementing last year. However, you can now try it out for yourself on regular old Gmail by following these simple steps.

STEP ONE: click on settings button on the right.

STEP TWO: scroll to labs while in settings.

STEP THREEunder some crazy experimental stuff scroll down carefully until you see the undo send feature and click on enable.

FINAL STEPsend a message to test feature.


Click undo and you get to start afresh or add what you left out.

Please let us get comments if you tried it.


Got a new laptop? Don’t just switch it on and start using it until you’ve read our simple guide to making it safe, secure and speedy first.

If Santa leaves a new laptop in your stocking this Christmas, you probably will spend some of the festive season setting it up.

However, don’t just switch on and start using it – you may be leaving yourself open to online security risks. Instead, once you’ve activated Windows and created a system restore DVD (if required – not all new laptops offer this), you should then follow this simple six-point checklist before you do anything else.

Since it’s difficult to buy a new laptop with any other operating system at the moment, we’ve assumed you’re using Windows 8 on your new laptop and are already connected to your home network. The same steps still apply to all freshly installed or just-activated versions of Windows, but the specific actions for each will differ.

Step 1: Run Windows update

The very first thing you should do when you finally see the Windows 8 Start screen is run Windows Update. Your new laptop may come with the older Windows 8.0 installed, but the latest Windows 8.1 update improves upon it in many ways – and it’s a free download.

Even a laptop with Windows 8.1 will be out of date by the time you open its box, however, so it’s important to download and install the latest security fixes and other updates from Microsoft before you do anything else.

At the Windows 8 Start screen, open the Charms bar by moving the mouse pointer to the top-right of the screen and click the Search option.

Type windows update into the search box and select Check for updates from the list of results on the right of the screen.

When Windows Update opens, click the Check now button and wait while Windows checks what updates are available.

When the check has finished, click View details. Tick the box for Select all important updates and click the Install button. You may need to restart your laptop after this first round of updates, but you should repeat the update process until no more important updates are found.


Step 2: Turn on Windows Defender

Microsoft’s anti-malware application, Windows Defender, is built into Windows 8, but it may be disabled. Laptop manufacturers often disable because they bundle free trials of other anti-malware software – software that you don’t need.


So the next step is to check that Windows Defender is enabled and protecting your computer, regardless of what other anti-malware software is installed.

Back on the Start screen (press the Windows key to return to the Start screen), type windows defender – you no longer need to open the Charms bar now that Windows 8.1 is installed. Select Windows Defender from the list of results on the right of the screen.

When Windows Defender opens on the Windows Desktop, click its Settings tab. Click Real-time protection on the left of the window, tick the box to turn it on in the right of the window and click the Save changes button.


Click the Update tab and click the Update button to download any Windows Defender updates.

Finally, click the Home tab, select the Full option and click the Scan button to scan your for malware. Just because your new laptop is fresh from the factory doesn’t mean it hasn’t picked up malware from somewhere, so a ‘just in case’ scan now will prevent problems later on.

Step 3: Install a different web browser

Microsoft is no longer legally required to offer a choice of web browsers when you activate Windows for the first time. So unless the laptop maker has installed something else, the only browser you’ll have will be Internet Explorer.

This may or may not suit, but there’s nothing to stop you downloading and using a different browser – though you’ll still need to use Internet Explorer to get it.


Step 4: Set up user accounts and parental controls

Unless you’re the only person who’ll be using your laptop, we strongly recommend setting up different user accounts for everyone else.

Back on the Start screen, type user accounts and select Add, delete, and manage other user accounts from the list of results at the right of the screen.

Click the Add an account option to create and configure another user account. Windows will ask for the other person’s email address, so that it can save their settings and use them on other Windows 8 PCs. This is optional, however, and you can instead click Sign in without a Microsoft account at the bottom of the screen to create a ‘local’ account that’s unique to your laptop.


You’ll also see an Add a child’s account option here. Click this and you can enable parental controls for any children that use your laptop. These include blocking which web sites they can access and the controlling when they’re allowed to use the laptop. See guide on how to set up parental controls in Windows 8 for more information.


Step 5: Switch to Desktop-first mode

Windows 8 was criticised for making the Start screen view the default view when you boot your laptop and hiding the more-useful Desktop mode behind a keyboard shortcut.

Windows 8.1 (which should be installed after Step 1) changes this and lets you boot straight to the Desktop, if you desire. To do this, press Windows + D to switch to Desktop mode, right-click the Taskbar and select Properties.

Click the Navigation tab on the dialog box that opens and tick the box for When I sign in or close all apps on a screen, got the desktop instead of Start. Click the OK button and you can now click the Start button on the Desktop, or press the Windows key, to return to the Start screen at any time.

Step 6: Uninstall unwanted software

Laptop manufacturers are paid to install software from third parties, no matter how useful it is. This ‘pre-installed software’ (to use a polite term) can include anything from free trials of anti-malware applications (see Step 2) to web browser toolbars that serve no useful purpose.

While wasted hard disk space is seldom a problem on most new laptops, pre-installed software can slow a computer down and cause conflicts with other, more desirable, applications. So our advice is to get rid of anything you don’t recognise or want.

Back on the Start screen, type uninstall and select Uninstall a program from the results on the right of the screen.

When the Programs and Features dialog box opens on the Desktop, select applications from the list one-by-one and click the Uninstall button to remove them.

If deleting the unwanted junk leaves your laptop without much else installed, take a look at our guide to the best free software for your PC – there’s plenty there to get you started.


Using a Samsung Galaxy phone can make me feel like I’m on a treasure hunt. There are so many hidden features that it can be somewhat overwhelming finding the ones that will truly enrich your experience, versus the ones you should leave in the sand. Consider this guide your treasure map. Most important, I’ll show you how to use the features that will save you time and help you get the most out of your device, whether you own a Galaxy S4 or S5, a Galaxy Mega or mini, or a Note 3.

From customizing those Quick Settings and using your phone as a TV remote, to making certain pictures private, these are the 10 tips every Samsung phone owner should know.

Change your Wi-Fi network and other settings in fewer steps

One of the things I love about Samsung phones is Quick Settings, which lets you toggle everything from Wi-Fi and Airplane mode to Screen Saver and Multi Window. But you can do more than that.

Say you want to change the Wi-Fi network you’re connecting to. Just press and hold the Wi-Fi button in the Quick Settings drop-down menu and you’ll be brought right to the Wi-Fi settings menu. Same thing goes for Bluetooth and other settings.

Run two apps on the screen at once

Samsung has been guilty of throwing lots of gimmicky stuff at the wall (see Smart Scroll and Smart Pause), but Multi Window is an underrated and underappreciated feature. With this function turned on, you can run two apps on the screen simultaneously, giving you serious multitasking power. Plus, you can move content from one window into another.

To get started, make sure Multi Window is turned on in the Quick Settings Menu. Then swipe the tab on the left edge of your screen to the right. Now drag app icons from the tray that appears in the top and bottom windows. Now you can attach a photo to an outgoing email just by dragging and dropping it, or browse the Web while you check your texts.


Speed up your phone

Not a fan of waiting? Disabling the home button shortcut for Samsung’s voice assistant, S Voice, will speed things up. You’ll notice much less of a delay when exiting apps. That’s because your Galaxy Phone is waiting for you to tap the home button twice to turn the feature on–every single time you press it.

To add more time back to your life, double tap the home button to active S Voice, then touch the three dots in the upper right corner and tap settings. After that, all you need to do is uncheck the box that says, “Open via the home key.”


Customize the Quick Settings menu

The whole point of Samsung’s Quick Settings menu is to save you time, so it’s in your best interest to take a little bit of time to customize it to your liking. Travel a lot? Then you’ll want the Airplane mode button front and centre. Want to save every last bit of juice? Then you’ll want to prioritize Power saving mode or (if you own a Galaxy S5 or newer phone) Ultra power saving mode. I personally prefer S Finder, which helps you find apps, file email and perform other things on your device.

To make the S5 more your own, swipe down from the top of the screen, then tap the grid button in the top right corner. Next, you’ll tap the pencil button (edit). From there, you’ll be able to drag and drop shortcut buttons to whichever position you like.

Keep those backlit keys always on

Maybe you’re a new Galaxy phone user trying to remember what button does what. Or you just hate peek-a-boo. Whatever the reason, there are a lot of people who don’t like that the keys beneath Samsung’s display automatically turn off after a few seconds. If you’d prefer that these keys always be backlit when the screen is on, it’s easy to do something about it.

Start by going to Settings and selecting Display. Scroll down and tap “Touch key light duration.” Now select “Always on.”


Keep certain pictures and files private

This tip is for only Galaxy S5 owners (so far), as it’s the first Samsung device to feature Private Mode. This mode lets you protect certain photos and other files you specify from prying eyes. You’ll be able to see these files while in Private Mode, but once turned off, no one else will be able to access your stuff.

The easiest way to activate Private Mode is to tap the Private Mode icon in the Quick Settings menu after you drag your finger down from the top of the screen. You’ll then be asked to identify yourself, either via password, fingerprint, pin or pattern. Once Private Mode is activated, you can select one or multiple files and then select the menu button in the top right corner (three dots), then tap Move to Private.


Go one-handed

As much as I like that Samsung supplies larger screens than the iPhone, I sometimes find it annoying to stretch my thumb across the screen to reach an icon or number on the dial pad. Samsung addresses this issue with its one-handed operation feature, which shrinks the entire display down to a more manageable size. It’s also easy to exit this mode, so you can get right back to watching that blockbuster.

Go to the Settings menu and select One-handed operation. Next, toggle the button to on. To activate this mode, slide your finger in from the right edge of the screen and back to the edge in a relatively swift motion. To exit, just hit the top right corner of the shrunken display.


Control your TV

A lot of us use our smartphones while we watch TV, but I bet a lot of Galaxy phone owners don’t know they can use their handsets to control it, too. The Smart Remote feature on several Samsung devices (powered by Peel) leverages the IR blaster on top to control your TV to change the channel just by tapping your display. The app also makes it easy to see what’s on–great for when you don’t feel like channel surfing.

It’s pretty easy to set things up. You just select your region (U.S.), cable provider and then personalize recommendations–if you wish–based on your viewing preferences. There’s a separate short setup process for controlling your TV or set-top box.

Voice control to take photos

Whether you want to take more selfies (I won’t judge) or you just want to eliminate camera shake when you snap that important group photo, your Samsung phone can help. With a simple voice command you can activate the shutter. Choose from “Smile,” “Cheese,” “Capture” or “Shoot” for taking pictures or just say “Record video” for capturing footage. These commands work whether you’re using the back or front camera.

To activate Voice control for the camera, open the camera app and tap Settings. Then scroll until you see the Voice control option and select it to turn it on. When taking photos, your Samsung phone will tell you to keep the phone steady as it processes your command, which happens fairly quickly.


Help the keyboard learn from you

There are lots of reasons I like Samsung’s phone keyboards, including the dedicated number row and predictive text feature, which tries to guess which word you’re going to type next. But you don’t have to stop there. With the Personalization option, you can make your Galaxy keyboard sync with your Contacts and other apps, like Facebook, Gmail and Twitter.

This functionality is somewhat buried. You’ll need go into Settings>Language and input. Next, tap the Settings icon next to the Samsung keyboard. On the next screen, tap Predictive text, then scroll down to select which Personalization features you’ll want to enable.


Smartphone thefts have become an international plague. Over 2.3M Americans were victims of Smartphone thefts in 2013. Thefts of mobile devices now comprise 40% of all robberies in major US cities. Consumers spend an estimated $30B each year replacing lost and stolen devices. Such figures from Nigeria is however unknown, but have been argued to be as high if not higher (You know your country). The trend is not very far. Up until now there has been no good and concrete way to prevent it.

If privacy and security is number one in your priority features list, you will really want to have a fingerprint scanner in your Smartphone. Top Smartphone manufacturers are now getting the wind of what their customers want and they have started offering a fingerprint sensor in some of their Smartphones. Motorola was the first company to offer this facility in its flagship Smartphone. In 2011, among Android phones, Atrix became the standard-bearer by getting this feature.

Apple followed Motorola adding a fingerprint reader in its Flagship phone iPhone 5s in 2013 and naming it as Touch ID. Soon HTC joined this club by launching One Max just one month after the release of iPhone 5S. Although, touch ID got praise and HTC failed to deliver a reliable and accurate scanner. Samsung had been silent regarding fingerprint sensor technology as it had not added this feature in its Flagship devices like Note 3 and Galaxy S4. Smartphone world was expecting Samsung, Sony and LG to deliver this feature in their high-end devices but things didn’t change in 2013 as far as the aforesaid companies and fingerprint sensor were concerned.


In April 2014, Samsung finally launched a phone that boasted fingerprint sensor and that was Galaxy S5. Galaxy S5 featured a fingerprint sensor that worked just like iPhone 5S touch ID as its fingerprint sensor was also located on front panel above the home button. But its method of working was different. To unlock the phone using touch ID, you need to put the finger on Home button, but to unlock the phone using Samsung fingerprint scanner you need to swipe the finger from top to bottom of the sensor.

Bottom line, when Touch ID and Samsung scanner were compared, experts found that touch ID was fairly more accurate than Samsung scanner and thus Samsung lost to Apple in fingerprint sensor technology.
Here we have listed all available Fingerprint reader enabled Smartphones in our store






Apple I-phone 6

Click here for other features


I-Phone 6 Plus

Click here for other features


Huawei Ascend Mate 7

Click here for other features


About the Power Bank

As portable electronic devices have become a crucial part of modern life, keeping them charged is a constant concern. Some products do not hold enough charge to last a full day of heavy use, and it can be difficult to get access to a mains power supply to plug them into, or to find enough time to sit by a power supply waiting for the device to charge. These problems have created a large market for the power bank, a portable charger which can be connected to a wide range of devices including the iPhone, iPad and Android devices.

Like all portable chargers, the PowerBank is very easy to use. It comes with a USB cable which simply needs to be plugged into the device that needs to be charged, in the same way that a charger cable would usually be inserted, and turned on for charging to begin. It is available in many different designs, including various colors and sizes. Some PowerBank models have a key chain attached so they can be added to a keyring. They are all small enough to carry around in a purse, pocket or briefcase.

Charging the Power Bank

One important thing to remember about the power bank is that, like the device itself, it needs to be charged up to work. Therefore, it’s a good idea to charge both the device and the power bank at the same time before going out for the day or away on a trip. This provides the maximum amount of power possible to transfer to the device without any use of a mains power supply.

The power bank can be charged by plugging it into the USB port of a computer or laptop. The power source must be turned on for the power bank to begin charging. Alternatively, for users who don’t have a personal computer, it can be charged from a wall socket with the assistance of an electrical adapter that accepts a USB cable. A power bank will charge more quickly from a wall socket, and will take approximately twice as long from a computer.

Most power banks feature LED lights which indicate how much power it has. This is useful both when the power bank is being charged, and when it is charging the device. In the case of the PowerBank, the LED light is red while the PowerBank is charging up, and the light turns off when it is fully charged. It automatically stops assuming power from the computer or mains supply when it’s full, to prevent over-charging.


   Look For Your Phone Using Google

Life would have been so much easier if we could simply Google for the problems in our lives.

Well, that’s not possible as of now, but your life will get a little easier after I tell you that you can actually Search for your phone in Google. Like, ‘where is my phone’ and it will locate it.


Yes, now you can even Google ‘Where is my Phone’ and actually find it.

Though finding the location of your mobile phones was has been around since last few years, but Google has made it quality easy now as you can do it just like you find anything else on Google.
How Does It Work?

Well, you may be aware that you use an OS which is owned by Google, (yes, we are talking about Android) so they are siblings who can ‘speak’ with each other internally.


Note:    You have to use on your laptop or your desktop the same Google account that is added to your Mobile.
Head over to Google to see how it works. Not even this, you can do many other things like, check flight status, weather, sunrise/sunset, calculations, currency conversions etc.

You can also set reminders that will notify you on your Android mobile.


While some apps are solely designed for fun, mobile app developers have gone a step higher to develop mobile apps that makes you smarter, help your IQ, increase memory and intelligence etc. Though there is no standard to gauge the best of these sets of apps, the 7 apps have been selected through user experience and reviews.


      Ted App:

This app offers marvelous access to the library of TED talks, and it’s an extraordinary approach to find discussions on a scope of subjects from intelligent and interesting speakers. The scope of subjects and labels in TED talks is sweeping and thought provocative, and embedded features, for example, subtitles are astonishingly broad and, for a few talks, accessible in more than 50 dialects. This is a go-to app when in need of information ranging from education to politics, creativity The app has an “inspire me” feature. TED which means ‘Technology, Entertainment, Design’ made the developers takes the idea to a logical conclusion, offering what the organization calls “talks from some of the world’s most fascinating people: education radicals, tech geniuses, medical mavericks, business gurus, and music legends”.  Some are famous individual – David Cameron, Ngozi Okonjo-iweala, Chimamanda Adichie – others  individuals who are less well known yet similarly intriguing.



This app is a “sanctuary that gets to the heart of comprehending many of life’s inquiries” as stated by a reviewer on the Apps store. It is a compendium of articles, blogs, videos and podcasts with topics ranging from animals, sex, culture, automobiles, politics, money, weapon, science, and entertainment and gives everyone -12+– wealth of knowledge, offering incredible breadth and depth intellectual resource. The content in this app would surely make you smarter.



This is an app to start your day with. This brain training app promises to sharpen mental prowess, boost mental muscle, and improve memory, concentration and more. This masterpiece designed by neuroscientists also provides daily workouts that draw from 25+ brain games to challenge 5 core cognitive abilities with an obligatory stat-tracking to show your improvement over time. New games are added regularly to keep your mind challenged.



Time is one of the most limited resources in the world. ATracker is new time-administration iOS application that is custom-made to help you know the measure of time that you spend doing different assignments, for example, research work, leisure activities, day by day routine work, creative writings, office work, calls, etc.


It also provides a smart interface that is tailored for you to provide your daily activity. In its quest to make you smarter,  an  ultimate time management tool feature is added to enable its ability to generate accurate pie and bar charts which gives you details on the amount of time that you have been spend doing various tasks on a daily, monthly, or weekly basis.



SoloLearn is an application for tech enthusiast, and developers generally.  This mobile application offers good interactive courses easy to follow and to learn with multiple quizzes. Knowledge is having the right answer, intelligence is asking the right question, an interaction with the world’s largest community of coders called “sololearners” would make you smarter in your coding skills and pop up that creativity in you.



Duolingo which has been rated as apple App of the year helps to decrease cognitive decline. The app helps you to learn about 13 foreign languages combining reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises for maximal effect that makes, for example, Nigerian speak spanish in no distant time. Duolingo gamifies the whole procedure of learning a foreign dialect, serving up bite-sized lessons, in a systematic approach, so that you’re never overwhelmed, and making it more enjoyable to conjugate verbs than it ever was under the attentive age of  linguist tutor.  



This is a brain training app that helps to elevate your cognitive skills. Elevate enhances attention span, oratory prowess, memory, math aptitudes, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. While some other brain training apps focus on shapes, patterns and colors, Elevate focuses on the spoken and written word for its games. The games are short and fun though while person is provided with his or her own personalized training program that adjusts over time to maximize results.


You can add your idea of mobile applications that have made you smarter over the years and also order for mobile phones here that can help you maximally benefit from this applications


In 2010, Steve Job changed the Tablet Pc is industry with the announcement of iPad tablet device. His announcement truly launched a new era in personal computing industry.  Although the idea of the tablet computer is being existence since 1968, when a computer scientist named Alan Kay proposed that with advances in flat-panel display over the cathode-rays technology, user interfaces, miniaturization of computer components and some experimental work in WiFi technology, you could develop an all-in-one computing device. He further suggested that the idea would be perfect as educational tool for school children. He later published a paper about the device in 1973 called Dynabook. The sketch work of Dynabook show a device very similar to the tablet computer we have today, with a couple of exceptions.

The Dynabook had booth a screen and a keyboard all on the same plane. He also predicted that with the right touch-screen technology, the physical keyboard could be replaced with virtual keyboard, displayed and configured on the screen itself. Alan Kay was truly ahead of his time, and it would take nearly four decades before a tablet similar to the one he imagined took the market by storm. Though there were several tablets that appear in the market between the time since the Dynabook was conceptualized and Apple’s famous iPad.

The entry of Apple into the tablet computer world revolutionized the tablet industry into a viable consumer product and prompted other companies like Google, Microsoft, HP, Samsung etc. to quickly respond with their brands of tablet to take a fair share of the rapidly growing industry.

What’s Stuff about Tablets?

If you have the nerve to crack open a tablet computer you will find out that the components are much similar to that of a regular computer. The microprocessor is smaller than the normal computer and thus generates less heat and is compact enough to occupy less space. Besides the Microprocessor, other components of the found on a typical tablet include;

A rechargeable batteryAccelerometersGyroscopesGraphics processorsFlash-based internal  memoryInbuilt SpeakersTouch-screen controller chipCamera sensors, chips and lensesWIFI or Cellular Chips and AntennasTech Bluetooth

With some brands coming with GPS, NFC (Near Field communication), USB dock etc.

The Accelerometers and gyroscopes help the tablet determine its orientation so that it displays graphics in either portrait or landscape mode. The graphics processor or GPU takes the load off of the CPU when it comes to generating graphics. The WiFi or cellular components let you connect your tablet to a computer network. The tablet Bluetooth receiver or the NFC, allows it to interface with other Bluetooth and NFC devices.

Understanding the Tablet Screens

There are two basic methods of creating touch screens for tablet devices: resistive screens and capacitive screens. Manufacturers have to choose between the two — they don’t work together.

Resistive systems detect a touch on a screen through pressure. Tablets that require a stylus often use resistive screens. But how does it work?

Resistive systems have a layer of resistive material and another layer of conductive material. Spacers hold the two layers apart. When the tablet is on, an electric current runs through both layers. If you put pressure on the screen, it causes the two layers to come into contact with one another. This changes the electrical field for those two layers.

Imagine you own such a tablet and you’ve decided you want to activate a game. You use your stylus to tap the game icon on your tablet’s screen. The pressure from your touch causes the two layers in the resistive system to touch, changing the electric field. A microchip inside the tablet interprets this change in the field and translates it into coordinates on the screen. The tablet’s CPU takes these coordinates and maps them against its operating system. The CPU determines that you have activated the app and launches it for you.

Resistive screens can be susceptible to damage. If you use too much pressure, you may cause the resistive and conductive layers to be in constant contact. This will cause the tablet to misinterpret commands. Resistive screens also tend to have poorer resolution than capacitive screens.

capacitive system also detects changes in electrical fields but doesn’t rely on pressure. A capacitive system includes a layer of material that stores an electrical charge. When you touch a conductive material to this screen, some of that electrical charge transfers over to whatever is touching it. But the material must be conductive or the device won’t register a touch. In other words, you can use anything to touch a resistive screen to register a charge but only conductive material will work on a capacitive system.

Capacitive systems tend to be more robust than resistive systems since you don’t have to press down as hard to register a touch. They also tend to have a higher resolution than resistive systems


While some apps are solely designed for fun, mobile app developers have gone a step higher to develop mobile apps that makes you smarter, help your IQ, increase memory and intelligence etc. Though there is no standard to gauge the best of these sets of apps, the 7 apps have been selected through user experience and reviews.


      Ted App:

This app offers marvelous access to the library of TED talks, and it’s an extraordinary approach to find discussions on a scope of subjects from intelligent and interesting speakers. The scope of subjects and labels in TED talks is sweeping and thought provocative, and embedded features, for example, subtitles are astonishingly broad and, for a few talks, accessible in more than 50 dialects. This is a go-to app when in need of information ranging from education to politics, creativity The app has an “inspire me” feature. TED which means ‘Technology, Entertainment, Design’ made the developers takes the idea to a logical conclusion, offering what the organization calls “talks from some of the world’s most fascinating people: education radicals, tech geniuses, medical mavericks, business gurus, and music legends”.  Some are famous individual – David Cameron, Ngozi Okonjo-iweala, Chimamanda Adichie – others  individuals who are less well known yet similarly intriguing.



This app is a “sanctuary that gets to the heart of comprehending many of life’s inquiries” as stated by a reviewer on the Apps store. It is a compendium of articles, blogs, videos and podcasts with topics ranging from animals, sex, culture, automobiles, politics, money, weapon, science, and entertainment and gives everyone -12+– wealth of knowledge, offering incredible breadth and depth intellectual resource. The content in this app would surely make you smarter.



This is an app to start your day with. This brain training app promises to sharpen mental prowess, boost mental muscle, and improve memory, concentration and more. This masterpiece designed by neuroscientists also provides daily workouts that draw from 25+ brain games to challenge 5 core cognitive abilities with an obligatory stat-tracking to show your improvement over time. New games are added regularly to keep your mind challenged.



Time is one of the most limited resources in the world. ATracker is new time-administration iOS application that is custom-made to help you know the measure of time that you spend doing different assignments, for example, research work, leisure activities, day by day routine work, creative writings, office work, calls, etc.


It also provides a smart interface that is tailored for you to provide your daily activity. In its quest to make you smarter,  an  ultimate time management tool feature is added to enable its ability to generate accurate pie and bar charts which gives you details on the amount of time that you have been spend doing various tasks on a daily, monthly, or weekly basis.



SoloLearn is an application for tech enthusiast, and developers generally.  This mobile application offers good interactive courses easy to follow and to learn with multiple quizzes. Knowledge is having the right answer, intelligence is asking the right question, an interaction with the world’s largest community of coders called “sololearners” would make you smarter in your coding skills and pop up that creativity in you.



Duolingo which has been rated as apple App of the year helps to decrease cognitive decline. The app helps you to learn about 13 foreign languages combining reading, writing, listening, and speaking exercises for maximal effect that makes, for example, Nigerian speak spanish in no distant time. Duolingo gamifies the whole procedure of learning a foreign dialect, serving up bite-sized lessons, in a systematic approach, so that you’re never overwhelmed, and making it more enjoyable to conjugate verbs than it ever was under the attentive age of  linguist tutor.  



This is a brain training app that helps to elevate your cognitive skills. Elevate enhances attention span, oratory prowess, memory, math aptitudes, and that’s only the tip of the iceberg. While some other brain training apps focus on shapes, patterns and colors, Elevate focuses on the spoken and written word for its games. The games are short and fun though while person is provided with his or her own personalized training program that adjusts over time to maximize results.


You can add your idea of mobile applications that have made you smarter over the years and also order for mobile phones here that can help you maximally benefit from this applications

Tuesday, August 22, 2017

How to Choose the Perfect Laptop for Engineers and Engineering Students

How to Choose the Perfect Laptop for Engineers and Engineering Students Buying a laptop for academic or office work? Not so fast. You should consider these factors.

Much of the academic requirements and office work of engineering students and engineers now oblige the use of computers. From reports, presentations, and computer-aided design, there are several activities that need to have one working computer to meet and beat deadlines. After all, computers make it easier, faster, and more efficient to accomplish a wide variety of tasks. While desktop computers can be much powerful, it is recommended for engineering students and engineers to have laptop computers for one reason: portability. The speed and versatility of desktop computers can already be found in most laptops now thanks to the technology available. But what are the specific laptop requirements required for engineering students and engineers? Let’s dissect that into seven which should be considered before you buy a laptop: the CPU processor speed, hard-disk drive memory, RAM, connectivity, screen size, dedicated video cards, and operating system. In summary, here are the standard requirements for a laptop suited for engineering students and engineers. CPU Processor Speed The CPU does everything in its power to perform more than one instruction per cycle, so you need a relatively fast CPU processor to open and run programs in the minimum amount of time. Just like the Intel i5 or better. Having a CPU speed that is not adequate could mean that you have to wait for long time for the software to boot. You might have experienced this before when running AutoCAD, SolidWorks, or Matlab on a slow computer. Hard-Disk Drive Memory Another important consideration is the memory and storage of the laptop because you have to save everything that you do, which eats up space. Word files, drawing files, pictures, and videos among others should be kept safe in a hard-disk drive. Read more  How is Chemical Engineering Different from Chemistry? The memory that you should have in your laptop is at least 500 GB. RAM Above the processing speed and the memory, the random access memory or RAM is where the real work takes place. This directly affects the computer’s speed – the more RAM your CPU has access to, the faster the computer. An insufficient amount of RAM could damage the computer’s performance. The most-recommended capacity is 8 GB, but 12 GB and 16 GB are also preferred. However, it is worth noting to have a good graphics adapter than a huge amount of RAM. Connectivity Wireless Fidelity (WiFi) and Bluetooth are essential tools that a laptop should have. This will help in sharing your work with others which also help in storing your documents in other devices. Stock photo Screen Size Unless you have a problem with the size of the screen, then this part is not really much of a requirement. A 14- or 15-inch laptop is already fine and enough to display what needs to be displayed. But it’s important to note the screen resolution – the higher screen resolution means more area for multiple windows. The most recommended is the 1920×1080 pixels because of its 1080p true HD quality. Most laptops now come in 3k or 4k quality anyway so that should not be a problem. Dedicated Video Cards As mentioned in the RAM part, it is worth noting to have a good graphics adapter, or video card, than a huge amount of RAM, especially when the processing required is exhaustive like AutoCAD, SolidWorks, and Matlab. The video card has to meet the video processing needs of engineering students and engineers. Read more  Dubai Will Have Regional HQ of China’s Largest Integrated Energy Company A 2GB DDR3 graphics card should be enough, but if the laptop is used in other work like high-end gaming, you should consider a DDR5 graphics like the Nvidia GTX series. Operating System A MacBook or a Windows laptop? Before choosing, you have to consider the applications that you have to use. Remember that OS X has restrictions when it comes to engineering programs, no matter how superb their MacBook is in other aspects. Plus, the CPU and GPU options are below compared with the Windows mobile workstation. There are far more advantages with the Windows laptop because of its versatility and price flexibility.