Saturday, July 25, 2015

There are three types of people who you meet each day ~ those who build you up; those who tear you down; and those who do not care anything about you. Which one of those people are you? Become aware of how others experience you today. Think about your interactions yesterday ~ your conversations, attitudes, behaviors and mindset expressed with those closest to you, as well as with others you encounter. Which of these people would they say you were?
You have the power to influence someone's life for the better today. Cause them to be grateful for life, just because they encountered you. Decide you will use your life to encourage, inspire, uplift and brighten those you encounter. You can bring a smile to someone's face. Provide a surprise. Share a hug. Express love, hope, joy. Bring laughter and playfulness into another's life. Do an unexpected favor. Become their favorite memory of the day. Start with those closest to you and make it your business.

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